Thoughts about the Democrat Primary

Feel the BERN!

Bernie Sanders is a huge surprise.  A guy almost 80 years old from a tiny state dominating the youth vote.  He's going to win big in New Hampshire.  That will create a massive momentum shift in his direction.  I think he's in this til the Convention.

Hillary is counting on the minority vote in the South but an interesting analysis by Dick Morris points out that while there are some Southern State primaries coming up there are also Northern State primaries coming up.  The potential votes in the near term North and South primaries balance each other out.  He feels the decision won't be made until March 15.

The article is at

Hillary has lots of cash.  But Bernie has money and has shown the ability to raise more.  That won't give her an advantage.

Hillary has the party support behind her and in the end that is what I think will give her the nomination - assuming she is not indicted before then.

The problem for the Democrats is that if Hillary wins a brokered convention they run the risk of turning off the younger voters who support Bernie Sanders.  New inexperienced voters may look at party insiders picking Hillary as a betrayal and walk away from the Democrat party.


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