How Democrats allow the military to vote

The Daily Beast is hardly a conservative publication but here they uncover the story about how the Democrats "allow" the military to vote during their caucuses.

The method used?  Military personnel have to find a private (i.e. non-government phone) and call long distance at their own cost to a specific number.  The individual military member must then stay on the line until the vote is cast, however long that may take, at which time they can vote over the phone.  They are not reimbursed for the cost of the call.

Remember the Bush versus Gore election and the hubbub in Florida?  Democrats tried to get military votes excluded in the Florida election then also.

What do the Democrats have against allowing the Military to vote?

Isn't this the same party that was up in arms over simply requiring voters to show ID at the polls?

Here are the specific instructions from one County Democrat organization on how military can vote:

Compare that to how the Republicans allow Military personnel to vote - they allow an absentee ballot.


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