The Biden Legacy

This week President Biden gave a speech reviewing his legacy in the White House.  Biden talked about the good he's done.  I have a different perspective, I see the deaths and damage that occurred in the last four years.

Covid - more people died of Covid in 2021, when Biden was in office, than died in 2020, when Trump was in office.*  In 2020, the disease was new and testing was ramping up, treatment protocols were being developed, medical supplies like ventilators were in short supply, and multiple Democrat run States put in place nursing home rules that led to significant numbers of deaths.  In 2021, those nursing home rules were no longer in place, multiple vaccines were available, testing and supply issues had been overcome.  Despite those advantages, more people died of Covid in President Biden's first year in office.

The Border - Laken Riley, Rebecca Morin, Jeremy Poou Caceres (a 2 year old boy), Rachel Morin, Melissa Powell and her son Riordan Powell, Aiden Clark.  These are just a few of the names of individuals who died between 2021 and 2024 because of the actions of persons the Biden Administration allowed into the country illegally.  

That does not include the number of individuals who died trying to enter the country, like the ones who died of heat prostration in a container or who drowned crossing the Rio Grande or walking in the desert.  Nor does it include the over 300,000 children brought into the country by someone other than a relative whom the Biden Administration cannot account for. 

Fentanyl brought into the country through the border resulted in 76,000+ deaths in 2022 and 74,000+ deaths in 2023.**

Foreign Policy - 13 soldiers were killed in Afghanistan during the withdrawal orchestrated by the Biden Administration.  Despite promises by the Biden Administration, "approximately 1500" Americans were left behind in Afghanistan*** and 78,000, or 97% of the Afghans who aided the US were not evacuated.****   All of the people left behind were at risk.

Elsewhere around the world, Russia invaded Ukraine despite President Biden warning them that they should not.  Iran's proxies Hamas and Hezbollah attacked Israel, and Iran launched missiles at Israel as well, with each of these events provoking Israel to respond.  These wars have resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths.  Biden's handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan was described as the weakness that encouraged Russia and Iran to feel free to act.

Economy - Inflation rapidly rose to as high as 9%, caused in part by the American Rescue Plan, one of the first major pieces of legislation President Biden signed into law.  The Biden Administration was warned by not only Republicans but also Democrats, like Larry Summers, that inflation would be the result and ignored this warning.#  Instead, the Biden Administration sat on its hands while claiming it was "transitory" until they realized it wasn't and took action.

Food that cost $1 in 2020 is now $1.23 - a 23% increase.##  Families whose wages did not increase that fast find themselves challenged when trying to pay all their bills and put food on the table.  A measure of this impact is malnutrition deaths which increased in 2021 and 2022.  The lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 contributed to an increase over pre-Covid periods but the number of deaths continued to increase in 2022 after the lockdowns ended.###

That's my reflection on the last four years under President Biden.  A very different perspective than the rosy look back the President provided but I suspect it is more consistent with the views of the millions of Americans who voted for President Trump in the last election.



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