This time we spoke out

I saw the movie "Bonhoeffer," a story about a German pastor who spoke up against the actions of Nazis in Germany during the 1930s and 1940s.  The movie had the actor playing Martin Niemoller, a Lutheran Pastor in Germany, speak the famous remarks of Pastor Niemoller:

First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist.  Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.  Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew.  Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me. 

Classic Nazi and fascist techniques have been adopted by Progressives in the current century.  Start with a "Big Lie" - take a kernel of truth and build up whatever you want around it.  Shout down anyone who tries to speak against you, they have the advantage of social media allowing the shouting down to include name calling, slurs, bullying, and humiliation.  If that doesn't work, turn to violence.

It began with climate change.  Anyone denying it existed is a heretic and subject to abuse, humiliation, and later threats of violence, and actual violence - including violence to people and to property.  Climate change was an issue thrown around a lot in the 2000 and 2004 Elections, and continues to be a progressive rallying cry.    

Since those elections, social media became a more powerful means of communication, giving the radicals of the Progressive community, the modern-day Nazis and fascists, a platform from which to spout their radical messages and greater opportunity to try to force others to bow down to their views.  From Climate Change, we've moved on to:

  • Black Lives Matter, and claims that all White people are inherently racist and guilty of white supremacy.
  • Defunding the police, eliminating bail so criminals are released immediately after arrest and other policies making communities less safe.  
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion or DEI.  Which says all white people are inherently racist and accepts no diversity of opinion on that point and if you disagree you will be excluded, at the very least.

During the Biden Administration we saw the progressive radicals achieve the height of their power.      For the past four years, they came for anyone who dared oppose them, using the FBI and Department of Justice to wage war on Americans.  Parents speaking at school board meetings and Catholics practicing a more Orthodox version of the religion were branded domestic terrorists.  Federal swat teams were sent to arrest a father whose crime was protecting his son and also to the former President's residence because he did what Joe Biden did and kept classified documents.  

The word "lawfare" was created to describe how the legal system was used to attack Former President Trump and his supporters.  The FBI routinely contacted technology companies demanding that statements disagreeing with the Biden Administration's Covid policies be removed.  Government funding was dispensed to those the progressives liked and denied to those they don't.

Teachers and school administrators began "helping" children discover their gender identities, and refusing to tell parents what they were doing.  School boards and some States enacted "don't tell" into law and policy.  Parents who had the audacity to seek to assert control over the medical welfare of their children were investigated by government agencies for possible abuse and could have their children taken away. 

The Democrats were complicit during all this time because they benefit from the support of the progressives pushing these policies.  That support enabled the Democrats to gain control of the Presidency, the House and Senate in 2020 and they paid that back using that control against those who opposed radical progressive policies.  Corporate Media defended the actions of the Democrats.   do not speak out.  

Then October 7 happened.  Within days after Hamas committed atrocities against innocent Israelis, progressives began open displays of antisemitism, starting on college campuses and spreading around the country.  What started as protests became destruction of property, intimidation of Jews, and then physical violence against some who raised a voice in opposition.  The hatred and bigotry of progressives became undeniable.

Progressives in Government supported these actions.     The majority of Democrats were afraid to anger progressives and stayed silent.  The media often violated their own journalistic standards to twist their stories to criticize Israel and avoid criticizing the actions of Hamas or their progressive supporters in the US.  

Unlike Germany in the 1930's this story has a happy ending.  People did speak out.  People did speak out in opposition to all the progressive actions described above.  And in 2024, over 77 million American spoke out at the ballot box, saying no more making criminals more important than victims, illegal aliens more important than American citizens, no more racially divisive DEI policies, and no more antisemitism.  Expressing themselves at the ballot box, Americans returned Donald Trump to the White House with a clear mandate to stop the hatred, stop the bigotry, stop the oppression of the progressive fascists.


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