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Hypocrisy from the Democrats

Senator McConnell says a Supreme Court nominee by President Obama won't be considered in the Senate.  Republican Presidential Candidates sing out in agreement.  Democrats and liberals whine loudly about this.  In response to that whining, a friend of mine sent me this link:

In July 2007 - more than 18 months before President George W. Bush was to leave office, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called on his colleagues in the newly elected Democrat Majority to refuse to approve any Supreme Court nominees offered by President Bush.  Note the timing - not an election year, 18 months before the President was to leave office.

Note the hypocrisy.

Now, let me put a different twist on this, since I claim to be a thoughtful, reasonable Conservative.

1. How many Republicans were in the Senate in 2007 when Sen. Schumer said this?

2. How many of those Senators disagreed with Sen. Schumer then?

3. How many of those Republican Senators who disagreed with Sen. Schumer then have the principles to stand up and disagree with Senators McConnell, Rubio, and Cruz for saying the Senate should not move an Obama nominee?

I bet the answer to question 3 is not a damn one of the Republicans who disagreed with Sen. Schumer then will stand up to say they disagree with Sen. McConnell now.  And I will also take bets that Sen. Schumer is singing a different tune today as well.

And that's the problem with our elected officials.  Their positions are based on politics not on principle.  If you have a principle - whether it is the President should or should not be able to nominate a Supreme Court Justice in the last year of their term, then your position should remain the same regardless of who is the President.  That doesn't mean the Senate has to approve an Obama nominee or that Republicans can't delay the process if the nominee is someone not to their liking as invariably will be the case.

A similar discussion is happening in the Republican primaries today.  Gov. John Kasich is criticized for expanding Medicaid in Ohio as provided for in Obamacare. Gov. Kasich points out that Medicaid was expanded 5 times under President Reagan.  I definitely remember both President Bushes suggesting that a part of their health reform would be to expand Medicaid to cover more people.  Which raises the question, if Republicans were okay with Presidents Reagan, Bush and Bush expanding Medicaid (and I assume they were because no Republicans condemned that idea when those folks were running for election) then why is it bad when President Obama does it.

As a Conservative - hell as an American - that is my biggest complaint with many of the Republican (and Democrat) elected officials today - certainly the ones like Sen. McConnell.  They do not govern based on principle.  They govern based on politics.  I want someone who governs based on principles and that means they govern the same way regardless of whose party benefits.

How do we expect any governing to be done in this Country if people in one party are for an idea when their elected official recommends it but against the same idea when someone in the other party recommends the very same idea?  

Pundits wonder why Donald Trump, who is calling BS on the whole process, and Bernie Sanders who is advocating principled (albeit stupid in my opinion) ideas over business as usual are the leading candidates.  It just may be there are a few other people in this country who prefer principles over politics too.


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