Rethinking New Hampshire

Have to revise my predictions based on the debate that occurred Saturday night.

Senator Marco Rubio's performance was a disaster.  I believe he's going to plummet.  Rather than a strong second, I think he'll be in the middle of the pack of the so-called "Establishment Candidates."

I think Governors Kasich and Christie will rise up as a result.  I still think Sen. Ted Cruz will be lucky to get 3rd, but will more likely be 4th or 5th behind the Governors.  The incident with Dr. Ben Carson will haunt him.  I still think Gov. Jeb Bush does poorly.

Donald Trump should win New Hampshire but the reality is if you add up the votes others will receive the non-Trump votes will far exceed the Trump votes.

The only person who may leave the race after this is Carly Fiorina but that depends on her campaign funding and also whether she'll be allowed at future debates.  Her comments prior to the New Hampshire primary made perfect sense.  She has outlasted many others.  If she sticks in she could outlast more.  This nomination probably won't be won for a while and she has debated well in the past so she could make it deep into the primary season.  I doubt she can win but she could pick up votes and may become a viable option for Vice President.

Ben Carson is supposed to be setting his sights on South Carolina.  He probably will finish toward the bottom in New Hampshire but not pull out and instead continue to S.C. and see how he fares in that primary.


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