New Hampshire - A look back

Well I was sort of right about the Republican Primary.

Two of the Governors did well enough to move on, as I thought.  I was wrong about which one would come in last - thinking it would be Bush not Christie.  That's one I should have seen coming - Christie was a tough guy in the debates but really did not have a solid message.  I was not surprised by Gov. Kasich doing so well.  His name came up a lot when voters when media types were talking to voters.

Cruz did drop - but not as far as I thought.  Rubio, on the other hand, did drop like a stone as I predicted.

Sorry to see Carly Fiorina drop out of the primary.  I was hoping she'd stay a bit longer and see if getting a space on the main stage of the debate would help boost her numbers.  It was a crime that she was not allowed to the New Hampshire Republican Debate.  Glad to see Dr. Ben Carson is staying in and I hope he does well in South Carolina.  Apparently he's been working that State.

On the Democrat side - wowsers, Bernie Sanders crushed Hillary Clinton.  Afterwards the media reported that the only demographic categories Hillary won was people over 65 and people who earn more than $200,000.

That result really points out the problems Clinton is facing.  A quote from a story in Politico:

“Her campaign is tone-deaf,” complained one increasingly skeptical super delegate backing Clinton. “In an election where inequality and privilege is the theme on the Democratic side, she comes across as the candidate of the establishment. She summered in the Hamptons in August? Come on!"

Read more:

The article is a good read but that quote really puts a finger on the problem for Secretary Clinton. There is as much simmering resentment on the Democrat side as on the Republican side.  Bernie Sanders has been able to give a clear voice to that emotion - beat up Wall Street and the rich to give things for free to the poor.  Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton offers the language of the inside Washington policy wonk on issues. At the same time she is completely unable to convince people she is not part of the power elite when asked about the huge speaking fees, donations from Wall Street, and summering in the Hamptons.

Now on to South Carolina.


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