Will Hillary Get Things Done?

Hillary Clinton's criticism of Bernie Sanders is that his ideas are pie in the sky while she knows how to get things done.  Let's consider their records on the subject of health insurance.

Bernie Sanders advocates a single payer system.  That's a real bad idea but we'll save that for another time.  Hillary Clinton derides this saying it is a proposal that sounds good but won't every get passed.

What's Hillary's record on health insurance reform?  Oh yeah, in the early 1990's she gathered together a group of really smart people, held meetings behind closed doors, would not share details with anyone and what did she come up with?  A proposal that started out with bi-partisan support but when people were able to understand how it would work, they realized Hillary's proposal was a really bad idea and it got shot down in Congress.

Therefore the choice seems to be Bernie Sanders who Hillary says has a nice idea that can't pass or Hillary Clinton who had a bad idea that couldn't pass.

One key difference - Bernie's not afraid to put his proposal out there for all to see while Hillary's record was to control and hide everything and only show what she wanted people to see.


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