Do Democrat insiders really care about the poor?

If Democrat insiders - examples: Hillary Clinton, her campaign, Democrats who want her to win, President Obama and his supporters, and the Liberal media types who support them - really cared about the poor wouldn't they be talking about all the people out of work who have fallen off the Unemployment rolls?  Wouldn't they be saying the unemployment problem is much worse than the unemployment rate reported by the Government?  Wouldn't they be mentioning the fact that the employment levels in the US are lower than they have been in quite some time?

If they really cared about the poor, wouldn't they be concerned about the number of people who are employed but who are holding lower paying jobs or who have to take a second job to make ends meet?  You might say arguing for a $15 minimum wage is an attempt to address that problem and that has a modicum of legitimacy.  My counter argument is two-fold.  First I'd rather they were proposing ideas to create better paying jobs instead of trying to raise the wage for Wal-mart greeters and McDonald's hamburger flippers.  And if you still feel the $15 wage is the right answer, then why did the Democrats adopt that in LA and then immediately exempt union employees at the request of Unions?  How can that be deemed anything other than a ploy to reward Unions for their support of Democrats by making union workers more competitive?

If mainstream Democrats cared about the poor, wouldn't they insist that the core consumer price index watched by economists and the media include the cost of gasoline and food?  How can we say inflation and cost of living is low when you exclude those two vital costs from the measure of prices?

If Democrat insiders really cared about the poor, wouldn't they be moving to reduce business taxes that end up in the price of goods and services?  It's estimated 10 to 15 percent of the price of a loaf of bread is federal taxes.  Why would Democrats who care about the poor free people from paying income taxes because they make so little, give them government assistance, and then charge them hidden taxes embedded in the vital necessities, like food, clothing, and shelter?  Why wouldn't Democrats be supporting something like a Flat Tax or the Fair Tax, both of which place a much greater burden of taxation on people making higher wages and both of which make it clear to people how much money Government is taking out of their wallets?

Notice I say mainstream Democrats or Democrat insiders, because Sen. Bernie Sanders is talking about a few of these things.  In his case, I don't agree with his solutions but at least he has the courage to point out the truth.


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