"The Donald" does it again

One of my complaints about Donald Trump is how he states his ideas.  First it was banning all Muslims from entering the country.  Now it's giving power to Christians.  The fundamental idea he is advancing is right, the way he says it is wrong.

Flipping channels I happened on a re-broadcast of the Republican Debate hosted by Fox Business News.  The moderator asked Donald Trump about his position on Muslim immigration.  Then every other candidate was asked their position.  Other than not singling out Muslims, every other Republican candidate agreed that the current process is broken and immigration needs to be throttled or stopped while the current immigration process is fixed.

His most  recent comment about Christians is similar.  I think most Republican candidates would decry liberals' war against religion but to say Christians would have the power is a statement designed to create a sensation. 

But both of these comments redirect all of the commentary and discussion to Donald Trump.  On the Fox Business News debate the other candidates were not asked their position about immigration, they were asked for their position about what Donald Trump said.

Ironically, Donald Trump is supposed to be the candidate who says what he thinks, consequences be damned.  Instead he's really just a guy who knows how to manipulate the media to get attention in an effort to win.  He's just a politician like all the others.


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