Gun Control thoughts

Thought #1 - In my opinion the most effective form of gun control is a gun in the possession of someone who respects the weapon and knows how to use it, and who also respects life and living things.

Here in Montana, I like to say there are 5 guns for every person in the State.  I have no basis for that statement but guns are popular and easily obtained.  You would think, after hearing President Obama's speech this would be a recipe for routine massacres, yet that doesn't happen out here.

Why is that?  Probably because people who own guns are raised from an early age to respect guns as a tool not a toy and educated on the proper use.  They also respect life and other people.

The result is that in the 18 months I have lived here I can recall 2 instances of death by gun.

Thought #2 - Unlike the "Right to Privacy" or the "Right to an abortion" or other rights people claim to have (and do for the most part), the "Right to Bear Arms" is explicitly stated in the Bill of Rights.  It is there, in black and white - or black and yellowed parchment.

Yet it amazes me how advocates of gun control want to simply ignore the text that is written.

The thought however is something I heard Mark Levin, a radio talk show host say.  I'm not a big fan of his, he tends to yell and rant a lot on his show.  Nevertheless, here is the thought Mr. Levin offered, and I'm paraphrasing here:

Do you trust Congress?  Do you trust the Bureaucrats in Washington?  Do you trust the President?  Right now polls will tell you a majority of Americans don't trust any of them.

If the answer is no, then why would you trust them with your Rights or the Rights of others?

I can cite instances where Government has abused its power.  Why would you then offer up your liberty to institutions and people like that?  Why do you believe that by giving up a Constitutional Right they will make things better?


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