What the Party needs to do if Trump is the nominee

A friend of mine shared this article by Larry Elder.  The topic is two fold - first why Trump scares the Republican establishment and what the Party should do to make Donald Trump a successful candidate if he gets the nomination.  I found the observations and recommendations spot on.


On the recommendation side, Mr. Elder recommends that Mr. Trump be advised to pick the best people to support him once in office.  If you really take a look at The Donald's campaign you'll see he is doing that already.  Trump engaged a campaign coordinator for Iowa who has long experience being successful with helping candidates with the Party Caucuses.  Also, for all Trump's bombast about illegal immigrants from Mexico, the plan he actually published drew upon recommendations from Senators and Representatives who have put forward reasonable ideas in Congress. 

One thing about Donald Trump that is an advantage for him over someone like Ted Cruz is that Donald Trump is a deal maker.  Based on his business career, I'd say he is willing to do what it takes to get a deal and move his position forward. Ted Cruz's record in the US Senate - which is all I have to base an opinion on - is that he's willing to go down fighting for something even if that means not just losing the one argument but giving up other political ground at the same time.  Example - the nomination of the current Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, would have undergone scrutiny under a Republican Senate were it not for Ted Cruz fighting a meaningless and unsuccessful political battle that enable Democrats to keep the Senate in session long enough to get Ms. Lynch's nomination approved.


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