The Benghazi question I'd ask in a Presidential debate

Were I given an opportunity to ask a question of the Republican and Democrat nominees for President, this is the one I'd ask about Benghazi:

In your Administration, if American men and women are under siege as they were at Benghazi will there be American airplanes overhead and American soldiers on their way immediately to provide support or will you keep them on the sidelines doing nothing as the Obama Administration did?

If any candidate says anything other than a resounding yes that help will be on the way then they are a disgrace.  I don't want "well I wouldn't have people in that kind of trouble" or "that's a hypothetical and before you commit troops you need information" or any other kind of blah, blah.

Just came back from the movie "13 Hours" and yes it is a movie so 75 to 90% is not accurate.  But the basic truths dramatized in that movie are that Americans were in trouble and they got no support, zero, zip, nada, none from the military.  The movie dramatizes how we're very lucky that did not turn into a bigger disaster than it was.


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