Clinton campaign run by morons?

Whoever advised Hillary Clinton to call Donald Trump sexist is a moron.  

Hillary called Donald Trump sexist and the Clinton Campaign must have expected the media to play the "War on Women" card and beat up Trump and that Trump, like so many others, would be forced on the defensive, unable or reluctant to fight back.

Boy did they get that wrong.  What's that saying about how people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones?

Donald Trump has responded with an ad pointing out that Hillary is married to a man that a NOW official in the 1990's suggested could be a sexual predator. Then the ad shows Hillary with Anthony Weiner, the man who repeatedly sexted pictures of his penis to women; and photos of Hillary with Bill Cosby, who is alleged to have drugged women to have sex with them.

Like I said, whoever advised Hillary Clinton of all people to call Donald Trump a sexist is a stone cold moron.

Interestingly, the media's reaction when Hillary called Trump a sexist was to go on the attack and point out things Mr. Trump said or did that supported Hillary's comment.  But when Trump goes on the attack, the media rallies around Hillary and questions whether Trump's attack is fair.

The problem for Hillary Clinton is that Trump's advertisements are coming out right before the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary.  Hillary isn't running against Donald Trump in those primaries.  Hillary is running against Bernie Sanders.  Senator Sanders may be a Socialist but he doesn't have any of that dirt on his record and Sanders is in the process of getting more aggressive in linking Hillary to evil Big Banks and Wall Street, just as the Trump ads are hitting the air.

Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory - Hillary could blow her lead over Bernie Sanders.  Like I said, whoever advised Hillary Clinton of all people to call Donald Trump a sexist is a stone cold moron.


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