"The Left Has an Islam Problem"

So says Sean Illing of the liberal leaning Salon.com website.  Truer words could not be spoken. 

As Mr. Illing said:

"All religions are not the same. All faith traditions are not equally wise or equally tolerant or equally peaceful….A devout Quaker and a committed Wahhabist have very different ideas about justice and equality and morality"

I will take a step back from the generalization Mr. Illing and the folks who excerpted his article at the Newsbusters.org side made.  There are liberals, like Bill Maher, who don't shy away from saying the words "Islamic terrorist."  Not every liberal has this problem but the Democrat candidates for President do.

We'll get a real discussion about this next year in the Presidential election where the Democrat candidates have been very clear about not saying the words "Islamic terrorist" while Republicans have not at all been shy in this regard.

If you want to read more, Mr. Illing's article is excerpted at Newsbusters.org at the link below:



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