I'm back!

Got off the road, got the move to Montana done.  Things are slowing down to a routine and there is an election next year.  What better time to pick up with my blog.

The Primaries are quite a contrast.  The Democrats all white older men and one woman.  They are all liberal and each is racing to the left in hopes of winning the primaries.

The Republicans, the party that is supposedly racist, has people of all ages and colors and genders and ethnicity running.  They have quite a diverse political perspective too and also a mix of candidates Party bigwigs support and people who are completely independent of the party leadership.  Many of the Republicans were already deemed conservative, a few are posturing more in that direction (like Jeb Bush, who I think of as more moderate like his father).

Got a few posts saved up, so I'm going to drop them all tonight and then start commenting more regularly going forward.

Feel free to give feedback.


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