A skewed view on the attack on France

A family member shared the post copied at the bottom.  In it, Mr. Atassi says:

"Attacks like the ones tonight in Paris are committed to purposely trigger an Islamophobic backlash."

Really?  So the real motivation is not to discourage France from participating in the fight against ISIS?  Why would ISIS think such a strategy is a good one after what happened to Al Qaeda and the Taliban following the attacks against the US on 9/11.  Both of those organizations are now a shadow of their former selves after the US responded.

That said an Islamophobic backlash in Europe is possible.  The way for people of the Muslim faith to prevent that from happening is to unite and openly oppose ISIS.  Force clerics who preach violence out of the Mosques and teach children that hatred of Christians and Jews is wrong, and stop treating women like they are cattle or chattel.  Arab countries can also help by not mistreating Christians, announce that they no longer seek the destruction of Israel, and commit their military forces to a much greater extent to fighting ISIS and other terrorists.

I have to credit Mr. Atassi though for how he closes the post with thoughts for the people in Paris and his hope that "May the forces who wish to beget an apocalyptic "war of civilizations" be defeated." 

On both of those points, Mr. Atassi and I are in full agreement.



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