Media misrepresents Donald Trump

I am not a huge fan of Donald Trump.  I'd put him somewhere between 5th and 9th if I was ranking the candidates in order of my preference.  But I can't help but be outraged at how the media misrepresents what he says.

At first, the media did not take him seriously.  Now the liberal media does take him seriously and they often misrepresent what he says.  From their behavior, I have to conclude that the liberal media wants to damage Trump's candidacy.

To give a single example (so this article does not get too long) - the Associated Press incorrectly reported that Donald Trump said we need to create a database of Muslims.  First of all, that is not what Donald Trump said.  At that time, what Donald Trump really said was that he wanted a database of people in the country illegally (now he is talking about a database of Syrian immigrants).

But when the Associated Press sent out a story, every paper in America subscribes to the AP and many of them run the story verbatim

Then when Trump's campaign pointed out that is NOT what he said, the media reports that Trump is "walking back" his statement.  (Really?  Pointing out the truth is "walking back?"  Since when?)

Bottom line - if the media reports that Donald Trump said something, go find the tape and listen for yourself to what he actually said.


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