Cruz and the GOP, and is The Donald really the only "amoral" one?

Reading this article
and two things caught my eye that I thought I'd mention.
First, since when is it "Cruz and the GOP?"  I think John Boehner's labeling of Cruz as Lucifer and an SOB is an accurate depiction of how little the GOP likes Cruz.  Not that being disliked by the Party is an indictment, it's clear the Party bosses accepted the support of the Tea Party to get majorities in the House and Senate and then wanted nothing further to do with those voters.  Personally, I agree with Boehner on this one, though.
The second point is Cruz stating that Donald Trump is "utterly amoral" in response to the asinine remarks by Trump quoting the National Enquirer to suggest that Ted Cruz's father was with Lee Harvey Oswald.  The thought that struck me in that context is to remember all the things liberals have said.  Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Rev. Al, "Big Ed," go down the list.  Is there any single thing Donald Trump has said during this campaign that can't be matched against something equally stupid, ridiculous, outrageous, amoral or even  - pardon the pun - "trumped" by something those people have said?


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