Black Guns and Firearm Education Matter

Really interesting story about the idea that rather than try to get all the guns off the street, why not educate people on how to legally and safely possess weapons for your protection.  I like the catchy name too - "Black Guns Matter."  I give the writer credit for being open minded about this and not just making a knee jerk condemnation.  But like the writer, I disagree with the people interviewed when they suggest self-defense includes illegal actions by police.
But the general point is well taken.  Education works.  There is a reason why none of the instances described in the article where little kids shot someone or were themselves shot happened in rural states like Wyoming or Montana where guns far outnumber people and kids of any age can hunt as long as they are accompanied by an adult.  Out here weapons are tools and people are taught from the earliest age how to handle and respect their tools.
The question that came into my mind as I read this article is this: If liberals believe it is impossible to round up 12 million illegal immigrants and get them out of the country, why do they think it is possible to round up what is a probably a larger number of guns in America?


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