Didn't take long to answer that last question

Donald Trump is accused of amoral behavior, name calling, misogyny...  and then there is:

MSNBC's Chris Matthews Under Fire After He's Caught Ogling Melania [Trump] on Open Mic

Or the headline below "Bill Clinton: 'It's been a long time since a girl' said I look great."   

So it's "girls" not "women" and really no criticism from the media toward the serial womanizing predator scumbag for this comment?

Then there's "Hilary Clinton won't call Donald Trump a bigot - but her campaign will."

You may not like what Donald Trump says but it is Donald Trump saying it.  He's got the courage to make the statements himself and not play the typical Washington game of having surrogates make the comment and pretend you're clean and innocent.

Just waiting for that lying sack Harry Reid to weigh in.

Also, in today's news, there is a big story about Donald Trump and a taco bowl and suggesting this is how he'll win Hispanics.  Oh yeah, what about Bill Clinton serving fried chicken to blacks?

Tell me one thing Donald Trump has said that can't be matched by something said or done by liberals in the media or in the Democrat party.


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