So Donald Trump wants a database with the names of (insert a group here - Muslims, immigrants, illegal immigrants, whatever). Is it really that bad? Governor John Kasich's campaign has an ad with a minister comparing the idea to Nazi Germany registering Jews. Gov. Jeb Bush, Dr. Ben Carson, Sen. Ted Cruz, Secretary Hilary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders also were critical of Donald Trump's comments. Carson said that singling out a specific religion is a bad idea. Cruz said that a registry of Americans is wrong. First of all let's clarify. Originally, Donald Trump was calling for a registry of illegal immigrants. Now he is now saying he wants a registry of Syrian immigrants. I've not seen any clip of him saying all Muslims or American citizens of any religion. But let's consider the question of whether a database is a bad idea. Is it like Nazi Germany registering the Jews? Well, if it is then Hilary Clinton is a Nazi too....