We have a President who cares about the little guy

Sitting here watching President Trump run down a list of what is being done for the average Americans and small businesses to help weather the current Corona virus situation.  Anyone who thinks President Trump cares only about big business is a moron or is just so partisan they don't want to listen.

  • Free medical services - Today, the President announced that Humana and Cigna announced they will cover medical services related to Corona virus without copayment, coinsurance or deductible.  These services will covered 100% with no financial payment due from the individual.  That means no possibility of medical bankruptcy due to Corona virus.  I believe Aetna has previously done the same thing.  That was done at the Trump team's request.  These multi-billion dollar companies will take a significant financial hit and they are doing at the President's request to help average people who may be unfortunate enough to get this virus.
  • Bringing back tax deductions for meals - The President instructed the Treasury and Labor Departments to do this.  Don't let anyone tell you this is a boon for big business.  This is huge for bringing business into restaurants.  The majority of restaurants are independently owned small businesses that employ hundreds of thousands across America.  This tax change will drive significant amounts of customers with expense accounts - meaning they will spend money freely - back into those businesses.
  • Money to people who need it - President Trump initiated an idea that Congress adopted to provide money directly to people.  $3400 to average families of four, Unemployment paying 100% of salary.  This is cash sent directly to the people who need it the most.
  • Testing - The US has now performed 894,000 tests.  Abbot will provide a test that will perform 50,000 more tests per day starting April 2.  These are critical to identify who has the virus in order to initiate care.  The FDA has also approved changes in how tests are done to allow self testing and reduce the use of PPE.  The testing success came about because the Trump team engaged multiple companies to step up and provide increased testing services.  
  • Mortgages - The Trump Team stepped up early in the crisis to waive mortgage payments for people with Government backed loans like FHA.
The majority of these actions and others have been done by the Trump team with no action by Congress.  Unlike what happened in 2008 and 2009, when both parties focused on bailing out major companies, President Trump is clearly focused primarily on helping average Americans.  Even the assistance for large companies is tied to them keeping people employed.  

Repeating what I said at the start, anyone who reads that list and does not recognize the President's primary focus is on the little guy and not big companies is either a moron or so partisan that they only want to tear down this President.


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