Coronavirus response: Evaluating the criticisms of President Trump

It's abundantly clear that the majority of the media is seeking to use the Coronavirus situation to try to create panic and despair in order to damage President Trump's chances for re-election.  When President Trump tries to promote hope and optimism, the media says it's all lies.  When Governor Cuomo says the same thing, it's all true.  I wanted to review some of the criticisms made and offer a contrary point of view on President Trump and his team's handling of the Coronavirus situation.

1. Hospitals lack personal protection equipment, like masks - In business when there is a problem that can't be fixed with a snap of your fingers you try to find an immediate solution, then a short term solution and a long term solution.  That's what the Trump team did.
Immediate solutions: Recommend ways to conserve what you have and identify alternative masks (e.g. bandannas).
Short term solution: get the law changed very fast to allow use of construction masks and provide resources from national reserves
Long term solution: get vendors to dramatically increase production, bring new vendors to the market.  And now the Trump Administration is readying a massive order of equipment to distribute to the States once it is fulfilled.

2. We don’t have enough tests -  That was due to the Government initially following standard procedures and having tests routed only to the CDC for processing coupled with the time it took equipment to process a test.  The Trump team got both solved. They modified Federal rules - basically rewriting the process - to allow many other sites to process test results, including State health agencies and private labs like Quest and Labcorp.  The Trump Team also worked with test equipment makers to come up with faster testing equipment for use by the new sites. The statistic released today is that the US processed more tests in the last 8 days than South Korea did in 8 weeks.

3. The President should use the War Powers Act authority - To do what exactly?  Get companies to manufacture more gear?  Trump got them to do that just by asking. To make more ventilators?  Trump got existing vendors and new vendors to do that by asking.  The supply chain is delivering food and supplies just fine. The support President Trump has gotten from private industry is breathtaking and all he has had to do is ask.  So what purpose would be served by President Trump using the War Powers Act?  Ironically, President Trump has spent the last four years being called authoritarian, a fascist and a Nazi.  Now he's criticized when he doesn't use Presidential power to take over private industry.

4. Calling this virus the “Chinese Virus” is racist - Why is it racist when President Trump says it and not when over a dozen media outlets, including New York Times, Washington Post and CNN said it?  Oh the hypocrisy!

5. The President was slow to react to the virus - I disagree.

  • This pandemic is like nothing we've ever seen
  • China was actively suppressing information about the virus, and I suspect continues to do so.  
  • The World Health Organization was issuing misleading guidance, including saying as late as January 30 the disease did not spread by human to human contact and defending China.
  • Also, as mentioned when discussing the complaint about not enough tests, the US Government has standard procedures it follows.  Those had to be broken down and rebuilt to enable faster testing 
  • Most of the equipment - PPE, ventilators, and even drugs - are manufactured in China, which was on lock down for much of December and January as they fought the disease, so where would you get those?  And it's not Trumps fault that American manufacturing moved to China. 
On the flip side, no one is crediting Trump for the things the Administration has done remarkably fast.  Getting a vaccine into trials in record time.  Getting drugs to treat the disease into trials in record time.  The fact that treatment drugs can be used for "compassionate care" is because a law was passed earlier in the Trump Administration.  Getting more tests done in the last 8 days than South Korea has done in 8 months by revamping a long existing federal system to be more flexible and getting vendors to deliver faster testing equipment in days.  Being able to effectively shut down the United States to curtail the spread of the disease almost over night - that has never been done before, much less as quickly as it was done.

I believe President Trump's message of hope and optimism is in part responsible for bringing to bear the power and creativity of the American industry and the American people to help solve these problems and win this war.

Note: this was revised on 3/29 to correct an error.  The article originally said the US conducted more tests in 8 days than South Korea did in 8 months.  The correct wording is "than South Korea did in 8 weeks."


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