Random Thoughts about the Corona Virus

1. Opening the country by Easter - President Trump said he'd like to open the country by Easter.  The media responded that President Trump was planning on ignoring medical advice and open the country too soon, putting American lives at risk.

Bazinga - The President today announced that the medical advisers recommend to keep the country shut down to the end of April and he agreed.  All the media's speculation was typical of those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

2. Aid to Europe from China - Today a reporter asked cited the aid given to Europe by China and asked if the US would match that.  

If I were President Trump, I would have responded, "Well if you mean sending defective PPE that are being returned en mass and tests that produce 80% false results, then no the United States will not match that level of support."

3. Navy Hospital ships - A couple of weeks ago, President Trump announced Navy Hospital ships would be going to New York and either Seattle or California.  The anti-Trump media immediately began criticizing the President for announcing this saying the ships wouldn't be there for months because they were in port for repairs

Bazinga - the President announced today the ships were refitted in record time and will be in NY and LA this week.  Wonder if the critics will credit the Trump Administration for getting those refits done much earlier and getting these needed ships to those cities so early?  Don't worry, I'm not holding my breath waiting for that to happen.

4. Dog bites man or man bites dog - When I was younger, it was explained to me that journalism was not interested in "dog bites man" stories, everyone knows that happens every day.  What they wanted was "man bites dog" stories, things that were new and different.

Now to put that into context of this article.  The US Government issues guidance to reduce the spread of the Corona virus and States add onto that by telling non-essential businesses to shut down or only allow work at home.  As a result, restaurants, hotels, small businesses that don't sell essentials, airlines, some manufacturing all are pretty much out of business.

This past week, the Unemployment numbers - surprise, surprise - hit a record high.  Now given the way the country is shut down, is that really a surprise?  I recognize the fact that the numbers are a record high deserves reporting but to treat it like this is man bites dog kind of news as many in the media did was ridiculous.

5. Need more parenting like this - College kid tells Dad he's going to celebrate Spring Break in Texas.  Dad says don't do it.  Kid goes anyway and starts sending home photos showing him doing all kinds of activities that violate the President's guidelines for minimizing infection.  When the kid gets home, Dad won't let him in the house.  Dad filled the kid's car with groceries, and when the kid got home, Dad gives him $300 and sends the kid to his off-campus apartment near his college.  Dad comments that grandparents are living in the house and he doesn't want to expose them to whatever the kid brought home.

Need more parents who willing to provide a metaphorical kick in the ass to stupid kids who are so selfish they put others at risk.


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