Riddle me this...

Some random thoughts

This morning I saw, for the first time, the advertisement by former Mayor Michael Bloomberg complaining about violence and division in the Country and calling on all Americans to vote Democratic to bring back peace and bipartisanship.

Riddle me this Batman, what in the last two years leads Mayor Bloomberg to think a Democrat majority in either or both Houses of Congress will lead to peace and bipartisanship?  Was it the calls of Rep. Maxine Waters, Sen. Corey Booker, Hillary Clinton, and Eric Holder for people to get abusive toward Republicans?  Was it Nancy Pelosi's statements that if Democrats win the House then anyone who disagrees with them will be at best ignored and just become collateral damage for the next two years?

A growing cry among Democrats is Medicare for all.  It was started by Senator Bernie Sanders and has been picked up by liberal Democrat candidates around the country.

Riddle me this Batman, if Medicare is so great then why was does AARP sell Medicare Supplement plans and run ads scaring seniors about the significant gaps in coverage that leave seniors holding the bag for serious medical costs if they don't have an AARP policy?  Why do many other insurance companies besides United Health, who sells the AARP endorsed policy, sell Medicare Supplemental insurance coverage?

Recently, bombs were sent through the mail by a non-Trump supporter to many Democrat officials and Media supporters around the Country.  Responsibility for this was laid at the door step of President Donald Trump by the pro-Democrat media.

Riddle me this Batman, if President Trump is responsible for attacks on Democrats and their supporters by someone who doesn't like him, then which of the prominent members of the Democrat party who have endorsed violent assault on Republicans is responsible for the envelopes laced with deadly ricin that was sent to Republican officials and Trump supporters?  Any why was the mail with ricin not mentioned in the same discussions by the media as the mail with bombs?


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