Repealing ObamaCare equals no pre-existing condition coverage? Wrong!

Charges that a vote to repeal Obamacare is a vote to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions are completely wrong.  This is the latest campaign tactic by Democrats.  Unfortunately Republican's don't understand health insurance law well enough to point out why the Democrats are completely wrong.

Between 2011 and 2016, Republicans voted 40 times to repeal ObamaCare.  The House voted again to repeal the law but the Senate did not, leaving ObamaCare in place.  Democrats charge that Republicans will allow "big insurance to go back to denying coverage for pre-existing conditions." (1)

That allegation ignores many facts but it's surprising Republicans have done such a poor job responding.  Why is it not true?

a) in 2017, the Republican bill to repeal ObamaCare included pre-existing condition protections.

b) even if Congress just repealed ObamaCare and did not pass any new law, federal law would revert to what existed before.  That includes a law passed in 1996 that was sponsored by Ted Kennedy and signed by President Bill Clinton ensured that anyone who maintains health insurance will never have a pre-existing condition exclusion again.

The response should not be complicated.  Republicans need to just label the claim of the Democrats as false, even a lie.  Detailed explanations can be posted on websites.  Another way to support that type of response is to point out as former Radio Host Neil Boortz did - for decades, Democrats have been accusing Republicans of planning to cut Medicare and Social Security and it's never happened.  This is just the latest in a long line of false claims.


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