An Historical Perspective on the terms used today
A very well thought
out statement by Mark Levin on the Media's criticism of President Trump:
HANNITY: Joining us now, he is the host of CRTV's Levin TV. The host of
Life, Liberty, and Levin. Wow. You had big ratings this weekend right
here on the Fox News Channel. I call him the great one, Mark Levin. We
missed you a couple of weeks and we're glad you are back, my friend.
Let's talk the election.
LEVIN: Thank you. Well, you know, it's time for we the people to stand
up for ourselves, for our families, for our faith, for our country, for
our party, and for our president. You know, the media had interposed
themselves in this election, Sean.
actually fighting the media. We're fighting the Democrats, we're
fighting academia, we're fighting Hollywood and all the rest. And 64
percent of the voters say the press has done more to divide the country.
More people think the press has divided the country than the president
of the United Sates. And I'm going to tell you why.
The word Hitler is very popular with the press. With Joe Scarborough,
the word white supremacy is very popular over there at CNN. The word
Stalin is now starting to pick up. They consider those of us who support
this president and support an American agenda as Nazis. They referred
to us to as a racist, as white supremacist.
time there's some horrific event they're trying to pin it on us, pin ii
on our president, pin it on our party. It's really time America to push
back. Enough is enough. We cannot turn any part of this government over
to these radical hard-core Democrats and their mouthpieces in the media.
I want to give you a few examples here. They talk about the president
his tone and the relationship to violence. The president hasn't caused
any violence. When Antifa's out there beating up people the Marxist
militia the media are very passive, rarely say anything.
Bill Clinton pardoned the FAO and terrorists who murdered four people
and injured 44 other people. I don't remember them saying Bill Clinton
was contributing to a violent tone in this country.
Barack Obama commuted the leader of that organization who never
repented, I don't remember them bringing that up. When Barack Obama
befriended Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dorn of the Weather Underground and
the SDS, the bombers who were domestic terrorists, I remember anybody talking
about him and violence and the tone of violence. Do you?
opens an embassy in Cuba, a genocidal police state. He is celebrated.
Donald Trump moves our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the capital
of Israel and he's attacked by fools like Steve Schmidt over on MSNBC.
let's talk about immigration briefly. Dwight Eisenhower. He is not
considered a white supremacist, is he? He is not considered a racist, is he? Dwight Eisenhower when he became president of the United States
he created a program called operation Wetback. That's not me. That was
Wetback. What was that? He ordered the military to round up 1.3 million
illegal aliens and deport them. And that's exactly what he did and he
was supported by the Democratic Party too.
go further. Nineteen sixties. Cesar Chavez, the founder of the United
Farm Workers Union. He ordered his members at night to watch the
southern border and report illegal aliens coming over the border to [what was] then
the INS. Nineteen sixty-nine Chavez, Ralph Abernathy, who'd been the
confidant of Martin Luther King in 1969 and Walter Mondale. I don't
believe he was a racist. They led protests on the southern border
against illegal immigration.
go on. The press says Donald Trump is threatening freedom of the press.
How so? By calling them out? By challenging them? By exposing them?
John Adams, one of our greatest founders, put in place the Sedition Act.
The Sedition Act. He actually put some newspapers out of business and
put some journalists in prison. Abraham Lincoln put out an executive
order. They shut down almost 300 newspapers, and put journalists and
editors in prison.
not -- not only that. The great progressive leader Woodrow Wilson. He
had the Sedition Act of 1918, did the same thing, put some journalists
in prison and imprisoned some of his opponents.
Trump hasn't done anything like this. He's not rounding up illegal
immigrants who are in this country by the hundreds of thousands. He's
not shutting down newspapers. He's not putting journalists in prison,
yet they refer to him as Hitler and Stalin.
then we have this policy where we separate children from their parents
to come here illegally not because we want to put them in cages like
Obama did, but because we want to protect these children from coyotes,
from kidnappers. You got to sort them out to figure out who's who since
they're here illegally. And they said, well, he's putting them in
internment camps.
it was Franklin Roosevelt who actually put Japanese Americans and
Americans of Japanese descent in internment camps. They don't call him
Hitler. They don't call him Stalin or anything of the sort.
I'll even go here. They attack our president. They say a womanizer.
They bring the Stormy Daniels in front of TV left and right, left and
president has been our president. He's conducted himself in the Oval
Office with great acumen. Great acumen. People are laughing. JFK was
having affairs constantly in the Oval Office in the White House with an
East German spy, with a mob boss girlfriend, with a 17-year-old
intern and he was outdone by LBJ. We don't talk about that stuff. How
come? Because our goal you see is to trash the President of the United
media in this country, America, is campaigning against you, campaigning
against your values, campaigning against your virtue, against the
declaration against the Constitution! And you have a rare opportunity
every now and then to show yourself to stand up and say we're not
putting up with this anymore. We're going to protect our country. We're
going to protect our values, our institutions, our party, and our
president, and most of all ourselves.
sick of being called Nazis, you're sick of being called racists. You're
sick of being called white supremacist then you need to vote. And you
need to vote now if you have early voting and you need to vote Tuesday.
And you need to be on your own precinct camp and bring out four, five,
or six people and make sure you vote. Because here's the deal. If more
of us vote, we win. If less of them vote, they lose.