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Showing posts from May, 2016

The real conversation that needs to happen about transgenders in the bathroom

A person enters either a men's or ladies room, enters a stall and uses it for the purpose that God and the plumbers intended.  Who cares what sexual organ is in their pants or under their skirt?  Not me. I am not necessarily in favor of bills saying you have to use the bathroom that matches your biology, but I do share what I believe are the fundamental concerns that are driving them.  That concern has nothing to do with which bathroom transgender people use.  The concern is which bathroom scumbags use. Example from the Chicago Tribune: a man went into the same bathroom as an 8 year old girl and choked her until she was unconscious.  The only reason the girl was not killed is her mom went in to find out where her daughter was and interrupted the guy's actions.  Otherwise, the headline would be man kills 8 year old girl in the bathroom.  This really happened and it happened just this week.

So which is it liberal commentators?

The question of the day is are actions of 20 years ago important to this election or not?  Donald Trump accuses Hillary Clinton of being an enabler of Bill Clinton's predatory nature.  In response, Hillary won't talk or offers answers that deflect, and liberal supporters of Hillary say that's old news and is no longer important. Today, ABC News is running a big story about something Donald Trump did in 1991. "The former People Magazine reporter who interviewed Donald Trump 's alleged spokesman 'John Miller' in 1991 -- and immediately felt it was actually Trump himself -- says his denials that he masqueraded as his own spokesman raise questions about his character." The question recurs - is something that happened 20 years ago important or not.  Or is it only allowed to be asked of Donald Trump and not Hillary Clinton? For that matter, if actio

Stossel on Health Insurance and my reply

Friend of mine sent me an article written by John Stossel about the health care or health insurance system in the US. In response to Mr. Stossel's article, I shall suggest that he's both right and wrong.  He's right on the subject of single payer not being such a good idea: - How is that working for people who rely on the Veteran's Administration? - If traditional Medicare was so good, why do so many people buy Medicare Advantage HMO coverage? - Most State Medicaid agencies contract with private HMOs because the States did such a crappy job managing the system themselves, doctors were leaving the networks in droves, people were turning to the ER for primary care services - UK has state run health and everyone who has money buys private insurance - Australia has state run health and everyone who has money buys private i

About me

I'm someone with an opinion about things who has finally found a forum in which to express those views. :-)  I'm an American first, a Conservative second, and a Republican third. I also work for a living and edit this in my spare time. So if you're looking for a picture perfect blog, you're in the wrong place.  Your comments and thoughts are very welcome.

Black Guns and Firearm Education Matter

Really interesting story about the idea that rather than try to get all the guns off the street, why not educate people on how to legally and safely possess weapons for your protection.  I like the catchy name too - "Black Guns Matter."  I give the writer credit for being open minded about this and not just making a knee jerk condemnation.  But like the writer, I disagree with the people interviewed when they suggest self-defense includes illegal actions by police.   But the general point is well taken.  Education works.  There is a reason why none of the instances described in the article where little kids shot someone or were themselves shot happened in rural states like Wyoming or Montana where guns far outnumber people and kids of any age can hunt as long as they are accompanied by an adult.  Out here weapons are tools and people are taught from the earliest age how to handle and respect their tools.   Ubiñas: Philly man's campaign: Black Guns M

The road to America's hell is paved with good regulatory intentions

Read the headline and, if you wish, read the article.  Then I'll tell you why the Government is so wrong on this one. South Dakota Wrongly Puts Thousands in Nursing Homes, Government Says South Dakota Wrongly Puts Thousands in Nursing Homes, Government Says By Matt Apuzzo The Justice Department said Monday that with few alternatives available, thousands of people were held unnecessa... Oh the horror!  People in South Dakota are being imprisoned in nursing homes rather than being allowed to live out their golden years in the comfort of their homes surrounded by loved ones.  Something clearly must be done about this. Now let's talk about what's wrong with this story.  We have bureaucrats in Washington D.C. applying a national standard of care for senior citizens to a situation in South Dakota.  Make sure the rube doctors are giving the best care possible.  That sounds appropriate right? Except that it isn't always.  The s

Didn't take long to answer that last question

Donald Trump is accused of amoral behavior, name calling, misogyny...  and then there is: MSNBC's Chris Matthews Under Fire After He's Caught Ogling Melania [Trump] on Open Mic MSNBC's Chris Matthews Under Fire After He's Caught Ogling Melania on Open Mic MSNBC's Chris Matthews Under Fire After He's Caught Ogling Melania ... The host of 'Hardball' commented on her "Runway walk." Or the headline below "Bill Clinton: 'It's been a long time since a girl' said I look great."    So it's "girls" not "women" and really no criticism from the media toward the serial womanizing predator scumbag for this comment? Bill Clinton: 'It's been a long time since a girl' said I look great Bill Clinton: 'It's been a long time since a girl' said I look ... By AOL Staff The former president dropped the truth bomb while i

Cruz and the GOP, and is The Donald really the only "amoral" one?

Reading this article Why Cruz, and the G.O.P., Lost to Trump - The New Yorker Why Cruz, and the G.O.P., Lost to Trump - The New Yorker From the J.F.K. assassination to Monica Lewinsky, it was a long day in Indiana. and two things caught my eye that I thought I'd mention. First, since when is it "Cruz and the GOP?"  I think John Boehner's labeling of Cruz as Lucifer and an SOB is an accurate depiction of how little the GOP likes Cruz.  Not that being disliked by the Party is an indictment, it's clear the Party bosses accepted the support of the Tea Party to get majorities in the House and Senate and then wanted nothing further to do with those voters.  Personally, I agree with Boehner on this one, though. The second point is Cruz stating that Donald Trump is "utterly amoral" in response to the asinine remarks by Trump quoting the National Enquirer to