Wow! I'm on the internet!!!

Casey Stengel was famous for responding to something that was said with "You're full of [stuff] and I'll tell you why..." This is my chance to emulate Casey and answer back to news reports, commentaries, and anyone or everyone else with why I think they are full of [stuff].

All too often I've seen or heard something that I knew was off-base and wanted to reply but did not have the venue or means to do so. Too often, I've seen or heard people who did reply and they either did so badly or missed the point. , or had an idea of a solution to a problem and have wanted a way to express my thoughts. And many times I've had thoughts or ideas on a problem that confronts us and wanted a way to express my views.

This is going to be that vehicle.

Now before we go too much further, let me warn you. A lot of what I will write about is going to be about politics and government. My point of views will be based on the following -- I'm an American first, a conservative second, and a Republican third. So be warned... :-)

I hope that as you read these posts you find something interesting in them. I can assure you I'll have fun writing them.




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