Random thoughts...

Earlier I commented on Wolf Blitzer's really poor performance on an interview with Sen. Christopher Dodd that occurred on CNN last week. Later the same day, I saw Sheppard Smith, on Fox News, interviewing U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney confronted with a similar situation. His response was an example for all interviewers.

Representative Maloney started to say that the Bailout meeting last week blew up because of Sen. John McCain. Sheppard Smith immediately interjected saying "Wait a minute..." Mr. Smith went on, in a polite fashion, to say that Fox News reports suggested that Sen. McCain was quiet at the meetings, that it was the House Republicans who objected, which led to Sen. Harry Reid blowing up. Mr. Smith then, in a non-confrontational way (e.g. not as a "Gotcha") asked Rep. Maloney if she could confirm or deny those reports.

This caused Rep. Maloney to state that she was not in the meeting and really couldn't say what happened.

That's good interviewing -- don't let people spin stories that are not true.

When Sen. McCain said he was stopping his campaign and going to Washington to help with the Bailout, Sen. McCain said the deal was in trouble and he needed to help. Sen. Harry Reid (Democrat Majority Leader) accused McCain of flying in to take credit.

Within a day, we found who knew his hat from a hole in the ground and who didn't, when the Bailout blew up at a leadership meeting with President Bush that occurred at the suggestion of John McCain. Sen. McCain was in touch with all members of his party, while Sen. Reid who was closer to the deal physically had not been talking to all the caucuses.

Why did Sen. Obama want to debate on Friday? Because Sen. Obama had no influence over what was going on with the Bailout. So Sen. Obama had nothing more important to do and could only lose if he allowed Sen. McCain to stay in DC and play an influential role.

Be well until next time.



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