Comments on Wolf Blitzer's anti-McCain coverage today

Wolf Blitzer had Sen. Christopher Dodds (D-CT) on his show after the meeting in the White House on the bailout. During the interview, Sen. Dodds criticized John McCain at length and suggested that John McCain and the House Republicans have derailed a deal on the bailout.

Earlier in Mr. Blitzer's show, members of Mr. Blitzer's panel of commentators said that for political reasons, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would not let the House Democrats vote for the bailout without significant House Republican support. Did Mr. Blitzer ask Sen. Dodd for his comments about Speaker Pelosi putting the political interests of her Members ahead of the interests of our nation?

No, Mr. Blitzer did not.

Earlier in the Mr. Blitzer's show, CNN reported that Sen. Richard Shelby left the meeting on the bailout and said that there was no deal. Sen. Shelby also said he felt the package was flawed from the outset and that there were certain measures he, Sen. Shelby, would never vote for. Did Mr. Blitzer challenge Sen. Dodd's assertion that only Sen. McCain and the House Republicans were the problem based on Sen. Shelby's comments?

No, Mr. Blitzer did not.

Earlier in the week, when this crisis was helping Sen. Obama's campaign Democrats in the Congress said there was no need to get a deal done this week. Now, when it hurts Sen. McCain to have a deal fast, the Democrats want to move quickly. Did Mr. Blitzer ask Sen. Dodds about that?

No, Mr. Blitzer did not.

Mr. Blitzer is either biased or not paying attention to what is said on his own show.

Be well til next time.



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