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Will History Repeat Itself Again?

I believe the saying is if we don't learn from history it will repeat itself.  

I went to a movie over the weekend - "News of the World" starring Tom Hanks.*  The movie takes place in 1870, which was relatively early in the Reconstruction period following the Civil War, and the location of the events is the state of Texas.

Early scenes show soldiers, Yankees or Blue Bellies as they were called, stopping Texans and demanding they produce a piece of paper - a signed loyalty oath.  The requirement of Loyalty Oaths was ostensibly done in the name of promoting unity - reuniting the country after a bitter war.  But it really was an effort by some in Washington to humiliate their opponents in the War - Southerners - while often promoting their own self-interest.**

During the late 1940's and early 1950's we saw the hunt for Communists across the country.  History shows there were Communist spies in many governments around the world and also Communist sympathizers in both government and industries.  But, history also shows the hunt for Communists was co-opted by people using the movement to denigrate those with opposing views while again promoting their own self-interest.

Those scenes made me think of present times, with Trump haters calling for the making of a list of Trump supporters and banning those individuals from both public office and private jobs.  We have seen people go up to Trump Administration officials and government officials deemed to be supporters of Trump to scream and berate them or refuse them service.  We have seen videos of private individuals, including children, be subject to abuse - both physical and verbal.

As a candidate and as President-elect Joe Biden has called for unifying America.  Will history repeat itself in such a way that once actions under the banner of "unity" actually repress and degrade those with different opinions while promoting the self-interests of the ones making the rules?  Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Apple, supported by a growing list of major corporations, in a move to promote unity and prevent violence have begun suppressing opposing views.  The media rather than debating issues merely applies a denigrating label to views they don't like and anyone with those view and declares those views debunked.  

When Democrats take office later this month, will they continue this by effort to "unify the divided country" by adopting laws, regulations, rules and Executive Orders that solidify and expand their control of the federal government? 

In a country where people promoting black equality tear down statues of abolitionists and loot and destroy minority owned businesses, can we expect the supporters of the Democrat majority to have learned from history to keep it from repeating itself?  Or are they being led by people who have learned from history and intend to use the lessons of history as a guide for them to gain and expand their power and privilege?

Conversely will opponents learn from history to better frame their arguments in opposition to effectively use the courts to delay this process and then win the support of the majority of Americans to arrest this effort in the mid-term Congressional elections and the next Presidential election?  


Update - Tucker Carlson provided video proof that what I feared above is being advocated by supporters of President Biden:  and also

* For the record, I found the movie quite enjoyable and would recommend it.

** I can't speak to the historical accuracy of all the details.  For example, following the Civil War, Southerners were required to take a loyalty oath but I can't say I remember reading anything saying they had to carry a signed copy with them.


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