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This one's on us

 We own this.  It's our fault.  

The last two months have been disappointing and awful, culminating in a tragic disaster this week.  And if you've been a Trump supporter, as I have been, you need to look in a mirror because the blame starts there and runs from each of us individually to all of our fellow Trump supporters whether regular individuals or elected officials, and onward to the people in the Trump Administration, and finally to the President himself.

By the end of November it should have been obvious the President and his legal team were incapable of making a legitimate case about what happened on Election Day either in court or in the court of public opinion.  Instead of continuing an obviously futile effort to change the election our focus should have changed.

Job 1 should have been winning the Senate seats in Georgia.

Job 2 should have been lobbying our State and local governments to change the rules so we never again experience the shenanigans we saw on Election day.  At the Federal level, we should have challenged our Representatives and Senators to spend the same effort and attention to investigating what happened in the 2020 Election that they spent on the 2016 Election.

But we didn't do that.  Instead, led by President Trump's unwillingness to admit he lost, we all kept talking about, focusing on, getting worked up about and expecting more and more unlikely events to occur resulting in the November Presidential election being overturned.  It culminated in the riot that occurred in Washington D.C., the looting of the Capital building and, tragically, deaths.

Don't be a Democrat.  Don't blame someone else, like the media or Big Tech.  Don't deflect by pointing to legitimate complaints about what happened on Election Day.  Don't try to pretend the people who were in Washington DC last week were mostly good or cite reports that folks from Antifa were seen in the crowd.  These were all factors we knew about before last week.

We knew the Media and Big Tech were against us and would ignore, deny, and generally cover up the facts about what happened on Election Day - just like they did with the Hunter Biden allegations - while criticizing us for suggesting otherwise.

Why did anyone think the local and State Agencies that allowed this to happen weren't going to change the results.  The same for all the Courts that previously rejected or delayed motions to overturn the rules we knew would lead to the Election Day travesties we saw - like allowing mail in ballots to be cast without any verification of who sent in the ballot, or multiple major Democrat cities refusing to allow Republican poll watchers to witness the ballot counting.

We knew from the Democrat emails leaked in 2016 that they sent thugs into Trump campaign events to cause trouble and, they hoped, incite violence.  We should have known Antifa would show up at the event in Washington and try to lead the more passionate members of the crowd in doing stupid and violent acts.

 As I said, don't be a Democrat.  Own this.  Let's face it, we screwed up.  Taking responsibility is the first step.  Then we need to ask, what do we do now to save our Country.  

Some recommendations: 

  • Lobby your State legislators to undo the laws that led to the election travesty we just saw
  • Lobby the few moderate Democrats in Congress not to support the socialist policies being proposed by the Radical Democrats.  Senator Joe Manchin, for example, should not have a Republican opponent if he stands against packing the Supreme Court and eliminating the filibuster.  Let's acknowledge the people who really do help save America regardless of party.
  • Gear up for the mid-term election to take back the House of Representatives.
  • Challenge the Republican Party to run a populist Presidential candidate who will represent our views in the next Presidential election and not a "Bob Dole"/"Mitt Romney" establishment candidate who will do what's right for party insiders but not for our country.
  • Speak out against both Republicans who supported Trump and are now blaming him - Chris Christie and Mick Mulvaney come to mind - and also the never Trumpers.  Both of those groups contributed to the debacle that has occurred with the Democrats taking control of the White House and both houses of Congress. 


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