Random Thoughts about the Corona Virus
1. Opening the country by Easter - President Trump said he'd like to open the country by Easter. The media responded that President Trump was planning on ignoring medical advice and open the country too soon, putting American lives at risk. Bazinga - The President today announced that the medical advisers recommend to keep the country shut down to the end of April and he agreed. All the media's speculation was typical of those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. 2. Aid to Europe from China - Today a reporter asked cited the aid given to Europe by China and asked if the US would match that. If I were President Trump, I would have responded, "Well if you mean sending defective PPE that are being returned en mass and tests that produce 80% false results, then no the United States will not match that level of support." 3. Navy Hospital ships - A couple of weeks ago, President Trump announced Navy Hospital ships would be going to New York and ei...