Difference between Donald Trump and Democrats - Middle East edition

I was reading the reaction of the Democrat candidates for President to the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and the events of the last few days dramatically brought out the differences between Democrats and President Trump.

To set the stage for the comparison.  In recent days, an American working as a contractor was killed in attacks on American bases in Iraq.  The Americans retaliated.  Then the American Embassy in Baghdad was attacked by a group backed by Iranians.  Finally yesterday, a US drone strike attacked a convoy and killed General Soleimani and Iranian militia leaders.

Let's compare the events in Iraq prior to the attack on General Soleimani versus what happened in Benghazi during the Obama/Biden/Clinton watch.

In Benghazi, the American Embassy was overrun, the American Ambassador was killed.  A second American government office was attacked and only escaped being overrun because of the actions of contractors and government officials on site fighting back.  The Obama/Biden/Clinton Administration sent no help.  They were unable to get allies locally to do anything to help.  The Administration didn't even have the military go into standby mode.  Afterwards, the Administration blamed the event on a local reaction to an anti-Muslim video published in the US.  There was no retaliation.

In Iraq this year, Iranian backed forces attacked military bases killing an American working as a contractor.  The US retaliated.  Iranian backed forces then attacked the US Embassy in Baghdad.  US forces - Apache attack helicopters and Marines in Ospreys are seen in videos - were sent in response.  Plus, the Trump Administration got the Iraqi government to send forces to the site.  And to top it all off, the Trump Administration deployed the 82nd Airborne to the region.

Which brings us to the events of yesterday and the killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.  According to Vice President Biden, Soleimani "deserved to be brought to justice for his crimes against American troops and thousands of innocents in the region."  Senators Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren made similar statements, even calling Soleimani a "murderer."*1

Yet each one of those Democrat candidates for President, along with Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Cory Booker and Andrew Yang, criticized President Trump for authorizing the strike that killed Soleimani.  

Let's compare their criticisms to reality.  

Senator Klobuchar's statement said "Our immediate focus needs to be on ensuring all necessary security measures are taken to protect U.S. military and diplomatic personnel..."?  Vice President Biden and Mr. Yang made similar statements.  

The statement by the Department of Defense announcing the attack said "General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members."*2

President Trump acted to prevent those attacks and protect our troops and diplomats.  It's pretty clear the Democrats who say we should "focus on ensuring all necessary security measures" would not have authorized the attack.   

 All of the Democrat candidates complain that President Trump's action is making the region less stable.  Really?  Killing a man who according to Vice President Biden "supported terror and sowed chaos" and who Senator Klobuchar said "was responsible for directing Iran's destablizing actions in Iraq, Syria and throughout the Middle East" makes the region less stable?  Please explain that logic to me.

The reaction of the Democrats reminds me of the Clinton Administration's handling of Osama Bin Laden.  After September 11, 2001, Clinton officials claimed they recognized the danger Osama Bin Laden posed to the United States.  They wanted to strike at him and take Bin Laden out but they could never find the perfect time.  The result was Bin Laden directed the attack on the United States on September 11, 2001.  

The Democrats complain about the impact of killing Soleimani on relations with Iran.  What was the impact on the situation in the Middle East from the Clinton Administration choosing not to act and leaving Osama Bin Laden alive to orchestrate the strike on the US on 9/11?  

Contrast that with the actions of President Trump.  He was given an opportunity to take out a very bad guy who was planning attacks on Americans.  President Trump didn't hesitate or wait for the perfect moment.  

So here's your comparison in a nutshell:

Embassy attacks:

When the American Embassy was attacked in Benghazi, the Obama/Biden/Clinton Democrat administration did nothing.  

When the American Embassy was attacked in Baghdad, President Trump's administration stopped it cold.

Protecting American diplomats and service members:

Fearing Iran's reaction, the Democrat candidates for President would not have authorized the attack on General Soleimani to prevent him from implementing his "plans to attack American diplomats and service members."  

President Trump gave the go-ahead.

*1 - The statements of six Democrat candidates were reprinted at:
The Dem Presidential Candidates' Reactions to Soleimani Death Are As Bad As You'd Imagine


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