Idea to get individuals and small groups involved addressing climate change / cleaning up the environment

Here is an idea to energize individuals and local groups to make significant contributions to cleaning up the environment and/or making a dent in climate change.

1. Pick an existing foundation or two to sponsor this annual contest.

2. Line up celebrities to lend a bit of their time.  Ask them to commit to attend at least 5 events of 2 hours in duration.  They don't have to perform just attend and meet the people who did a good thing.

Let's see how many are willing to rub elbows with the little people who actually do something real to address climate change.

3. Offer the following contest to America:

Submit an idea of what you will do to clean up the environment/help stop climate change.  If your idea is chosen you can choose one of the celebrities on this list to come to your community for a 2 hour event.

Ideas/submissions will be evaluated based on the impact they have and whether and how that impact is measurable.

Cleaning up the garbage in your yard won't score as well as restoring a creek or stream or river.

The highest ranked idea can pick anyone on their list.  The next highest ranked picks from the celebrities left.

The "winners" can invite the celebrity to be guest of honor at a fundraiser, at a family picnic, to give out awards at a sporting event.  There would be limits - no political groups or events.  The celebrity can turn it down or leave if the event 

4. the Foundation or whomever sponsors the event would get volunteer experts (e.g. professors and scientists and environmental types) to evaluate the applications.

5. Corporations are not eligible to submit ideas but would be invited to make financial contributions to get recognized as sponsors.  The contributions would pay the cost of the celebrity traveling to the event.

6. Get some media involved to help promote the contest and cover the implementation of the ideas.

7. Repeat again next year.


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