The Violation of Professor Blasey Ford

I don't know what happened 30 years ago when Professor Blasey Ford was assaulted by someone but I know she was violated in 2018.  She had her experience of 30 years ago dragged into the public.  She was made to go before a circus event in the Committee hearing, and she received all kinds of threats and hate mail that she didn't deserve.  And I know who the culprits were that caused this - the Democrats.  Here's who I blame:

1. I place the blame first with Senator Diane Feinstein.  Professor Ford sent a letter in confidence to Senator Feinstein.  Professor Ford did not want to come public, she did not want to endure what she endured.  Now the Senator from California denies being the leaker but she was the one to whom Professor Ford sent the letter and in whom Professor Ford placed her trust.  Senator Feinstein breached that trust by not ensuring the confidentiality of that letter.

2. Blame falls next on whomever released the letter and there is only Party who can be blamed for that - the Democrats.  I don't know which individual did it but you can bet it was not a Republican.  While the charges deserved a hearing it is clear the Democrats were using this allegation as a delaying tactic.  First, they wanted a hearing.  Then they wanted an FBI investigation before the hearing.  Then when there was a hearing followed by an FBI investigation, the investigation wasn't good enough.  And the Democrats refused to participate in the Committee investigation run by the Republicans.

If the Democrats truly felt this was an issue worthy of a thorough investigation  and consideration it would have been brought up much earlier.  They would have participated in the Committee investigation.  They would have been clear in what they expected to have done and not keep moving the goalposts. 

3. Professor Blasey Ford's lawyers.  Democrat operatives, their loyalty to their client should have been called into question sooner.  Their client is afraid to fly and did not want a public spectacle.  How do they represent her interests?  The  lawyers don't tell their client that the Committee would have flown staff to her to take her testimony in private so she'd not have to fly and not appear in public instead making her travel and appear in a circus.  I'm happy to say that today's news included a story that Judicial Watch is filing an ethics complaint against those lawyers. 

I truly hope Senator Lindsay Graham does what he promised and launches an investigation into all of this.


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