Post Hurricane predictions

Here are my three predictions of what will happen after Hurricane Michael is done and people are assessing the aftermath.

1. There will be great damage, power outages all over, some loss of life, some people injured.

2. The damage,injuries and deaths will not be as great after Michael as they were in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria hit that island.  Plus power will be restored relatively quickly, certainly people will not be lacking power a year afterwards as is true in Puerto Rico.

3. People will say the reason things are better in Florida after Micheal than in Puerto Rico after Maria is because the population is predominantly white and President Donald Trump is a racist.

To the people who say that the fact that the local officials in Florida were prepared while the Puerto Rico local officials were not has nothing to do with it.

The fact that State officials in Florida were prepared while the territorial officials in Puerto Rico were not has nothing to do with it.

The fact that the Florida power company is not corrupt and incompetent while the Puerto Rico power company is both of those things and near bankrupt has nothing to do with it.

Want some history to back up what I'm saying?

Do you remember the damage done by Hurricane Katrina to New Orleans in 2005?

Do you remember the damage done by Hurricane Rita, which struck Texas one month later in 2005?  You don't?  Did you know Hurricane Rita, which hit one month after Katrina, was the fourth-most intense Atlantic hurricane ever recorded and the most intense tropical cyclone ever observed in the Gulf of Mexico as of that date.*

The wildly different outcomes of those two hurricanes make my point.  They were a contrast between incompetent State and local officials and competent State and local officials both supported by the same Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Folks, the Federal Government doesn't know your community like your local officials do.  They don't know your State like your State officials do.  If a disaster happens in any community and the impact is successfully mitigated you can thank your State and Local Governments because they are the ones who made that happen.

* Source Wikipedia - which we know is never wrong.  ;-)


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