Liberal Women rising to the defense of Hillary "the Enabler"

I started this a while back - probably during the Election - and never got around to publishing it.  But now with the Weinstein scandal and many others, it is once again timely so I'll publish this now.  The point being that people like Harvey Weinstein are not the only ones responsible for the abuse.  Their enablers are equally responsible.

I remember the days when a woman would accuse a man of rape and the defense attorney for the man would shred her - bringing up her sex life, the way she dressed, the way she talked, everything to show that the accuser some how lied or enticed the man into sex.  I also remember the justifiable outrage that a woman who was a victim of such a crime would then undergo that kind of treatment.

During the years of Bill Clinton's predatory behavior toward women, we now hear evidence from the women affected and others that Hillary Clinton attacked them personally and threatened them if they had the audacity to come forward about Bill Clinton.  Donald Trump is calling her out for this behavior.

"Hillary hurt many women — the women that he abused," Mr Trump told a rally in Spokane, Washington — reiterating past criticism of Mrs Clinton over her handling of the former president's affairs.  "And just remember this — she was an unbelievably nasty, mean enabler, and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful.  Some of those women were destroyed not by him, but by the way that Hillary Clinton treated them after everything went down."'s-infidelity/7394734

The reaction from women supporting Mrs. Clinton


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