Hillary's cheating in the Dem Primaries went farther than I thought

I think it was pretty obvious in 2015 and 2016 that the Democrat National Committee (DNC) was trying to rig the primaries for Hillary Clinton.  Then leaked emails provided proof that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and others in the DNC were supporting Hillary. 
But I did not suspect how far it went.  Now we have revelations by Donna Brazile who took over as DNC chair after Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was forced to resign.  The title of the article says it all - "Inside Hillary Clinton's Secret Takeover of the DNC." 
A comment in the article - which is an excerpt from Ms. Brazile's book - that deserves more attention is her statement that Hillary Clinton had made campaign finance reform a key platform in her campaign.  Ms. Brazile describes how having control of the DNC allowed Hillary's campaign to bypass the restrictions on campaign donations.  

A classic case of "do as I say, not as I do," which many Clinton critics say has always been standard operating procedure for the Clintons.
I have to note the irony - members of the party call themselves Democrats and like to refer to themselves as the "Democratic Party" yet the facts that continue to accumulate show the 2016 primary was completely un-democratic.  Essentially, a small group of people decided to nominate Hillary Clinton and rigged the primary election to go that way.  Of course, that suggests the "Democratic" Party is really an oligarchy, which Google's dictionary defines as "a form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people."
Unfortunately for them, while the oligarchs in the misnamed Democratic Party could prevent a truly democratic process from occurring in the primaries, they do not exercise similar control over the American people or the American election process that took place in the Fall.  Not that they didn't try.

A friend of mine said he almost feels bad for Bernie Sanders.  I feel bad for the people of the Democrat party who think they actually have a say.  Contrast that with the Republican party where non-Establishment candidates have always been able to rise up to win an election and, since 2010, the party rank and file has been overcoming the Party Establishment routinely, culminating in Donald Trump becoming the President.   


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