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The Case FOR Trump (Updated)

After posting the case against Hillary, folks challenged me to be positive and make the Case FOR Trump.  Challenge accepted.

Let me start by saying I'm not a Trump Fan.  Of the 17 people who ran for the Republican nomination, Trump was about #13 on the list.  That said, we have four candidates for President and we have to vote for one.  So here goes, the case for Trump.

0. Repealing Obamacare - forgot this on the original list and it's way to important to put at the bottom and I'm too lazy to renumber.  Donald Trump will work to repeal Obamacare.  The program is starting to crater.  Premiums are growing at rates of almost 20%.  Less people are enrolling.  Unexpecting citizens are getting hit with surprise tax penalties even if they do have coverage.

Hillary Clinton will not repeal Obamacare.

Advantage Trump.

1. He'll get things done - Everyone complains that Washington is broken.  Nothing can get done. Who better to change that than a guy who wrote a book titled "The Art of the Deal."  Trump is a deal maker.  He's a businessman,  It's what he does.  Plus, the fact that Trump is not a hard core ideological conservative enables him to be more flexible in cutting deals to achieve goals.

Advantage Trump

2. Jobs - Donald Trump has advanced the most forceful arguments about stopping the bleeding of jobs to foreign countries and bringing those jobs back to America.  He's bluntly outspoken about the need to negotiate fair trade deals and create an environment that allows companies to grow.  He's condemned NAFTA and TPP as unfair to America, Hillary has not.

Donald Trump proposes reducing taxes on businesses and streamlining regulations.  Hillary Clinton proposes "ensuring that the wealthiest Americans and large corporations pay their fair share." Which of those approaches do you think will result in more jobs?

Sources for the above - Trump and Clinton campaign sites

Follow the history of "outsourcing."  It started with textile industries migrating from the Northeast to the South.  They didn't move there because companies wanted higher taxes or a less favorable business climate.  The next example of jobs moving was financial companies moving jobs to Delaware and the Dakotas.  After that, it was Ireland - they dramatically reduced taxes and created a favorable place to do business and they want from having massive unemployment to having to import people to fill jobs.  The next example is India, where tax breaks are offered for creating jobs, expanding businesses, and any other growth activity.

So I ask again - between Donald Trump's plan to reduce taxes and streamline regulations and Hillary's plan to "make people pay their fair share," which will create more jobs?

Advantage Trump

3. Supreme Court - In May, Donald Trump released a list of people he'd consider nominating for the US Supreme Court.  It was a list regarded as solid Conservative candidates.

Hillary Clinton has released no names and can reasonably be expected to appoint liberal Justices to the Supreme Court.

I'm a Conservative.  Advantage Trump

4. Border Security - Donald Trump has been very clear about shutting down illegal immigration over our borders.  He has stated clearly that he'll stop immigration from the Middle East until the FBI has a process that can properly determine whether the people entering the US are terrorists or not.

FBI Director says vetting process has challenges

Homeland Security official admitting lapses in tracking immigrants

I checked Hillary Clinton's campaign site and there is not a single policy focused on protecting our borders, curtailing illegal immigrants, or preventing terrorists from immigrating from the Middle East.

Advantage Trump

5. Which candidate will transform Washington?  I think Washington is a cesspool of political influence and inside dealing.  We need a President who will transform the way Washington works. This is supposed to be a positive post so I won't discuss Hillary Clinton here other than to say one of her "best" qualifications is that she's been in Washington for 30 years. She's the consummate Washington insider.

Donald Trump on the other hand is clearly an outsider.  Plus if Trump wins he will come to the White House owing very few favors to anyone.  He is not getting support from Wall Street or the Financial industry.  Most of the Republican big money donors are not supporting Trump.  Even Republican leaders aren't supporting Trump.  \

If you want an outsider to transform Washington, then Advantage Trump.

6. Washington needs to be transformed to work more efficiently.  I believe Donald Trump is better qualified to do that.  He's managed successful multi-billion dollar businesses.  No other candidate can say that.

Does knowing how to run a business indicate a capability to run Washington differently?  Look at the campaigns, Donald Trump has shown he knows how to apply his business acumen to campaigning.

Hillary Clinton struggled to beat a 70+ year old socialist.  Donald Trump defeated 16 primary opponents.  Hillary Clinto spent 3 times more money than Trump, had a staff 10 times the size of Trumps, and she had the Democrate party rigging the Primary process to help her.

Hillary Clinton continues to spend significantly more money than Donald Trump and continues to require more staff than Donald Trump and yet the Polls remain close 2 weeks before the Election.

Advantage Trump

7.  Electing Donald Trump will punish insiders trying to rig the election.

demonstrate to the media that they cannot rig" the election.  Since the Republican and Democrat Conventions, ABC, NBC (and its related cable networks), CBS, CNN, the Washington Post and the NY Times have shed all vestiges of journalistic integrity and acted as an arm of the Clinton Campaign.

See or the Media Research Center ( for documentation of this blatant bias.

In 2004, we had Dan Rather present a bogus letter about President Bush's military service.  The reputation of Dan Rather and his team suffered but no one ever investigated who was behind trying to skew the Presidential election.

In 2012, Gloria Allred brought forward numerous women with unproven allegations to derail Herman Cain's campaign, thus eliminating the Candidate who, in my opinion would have given Barack Obama the strongest challenge.

(Note: some of the women received settlements from a company they and Mr. Cain worked for.  However, those settlements were entered into by the company - not Mr. Cain - and after Herman Cain left the company so he never had a chance to defend against the allegations)

In 2016, we now have Gloria Allred stepping forward with numerous women with unproven allegations seeking to derail Donald Trump's campaign.

(Note: See for an independent review of these allegations suggesting the allegations against Donald Trump lack truth)

Notice a pattern of dirty tricks there?

Electing Donald Trump would repudiate this despicable behavior.

One might point at the activities of Wikileaks releasing Clinton Emails and the allegations that this represents the Russians trying to influence the US Election.  Let's assume the Russians are involved.  My response is that what Wikileaks and the Russians are doing is releasing the truth and having the truth come out is a good thing regardless of the source.  We need the truth to make informed decisions.

8.  Trump will have an Independent Special Investigator review the Clinton scandals.  I'm so sick of the incompetent and grossly partisan methods used by Congressional Republicans investigating the Benghazi incident.  That event was an American tragedy that deserved a legitimate non-partisan fair investigation and instead the congressional investigation process became a travesty.

We're seeing headlines that Congressional Republicans are gearing up for four years of investigations if Hillary is elected.  Good lord I don't think I can stand four more years of those outrageous, biased, partisan, overlong, inefficient disgraceful events.

The actions of Hillary Clinton should be investigated but it should be an independent professional non-biased investigation.


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