The Case Against Hillary Clinton

We have two of the most flawed candidates in history running for President but I really don't feel anyone has brought together the case against Hillary Clinton into a comprehensive list.  The media has been grossly guilty of protecting Hillary Clinton.  So I feel compelled to try to bring some of this out.  Time and space limit how much I can address but here goes:

1. Where have you been for the last 30 years?

Proponents of Hillary say she has the best resume of all time.  First, that's not true, George H.W. Bush had a better resume.  Second, in response to that Donald Trump correctly asked the question above which asks what did she accomplish during that time in power?

As a First Lady - remember HillaryCare?  She was given carte blanche during President Bill Clinton's first term in office to develop a health care reform package.  When it was rolled out it failed dramatically as being a bloated bureaucratic mess.  The opposition was bi-partisan.

As a US Senator - can anyone point to a single piece of legislation of which she was the prime sponsor that had any significant impact?  I have not heard her speak of anything.

As a Secretary of State - Let's see, while she was Secretary of State:

  • Libya's dictator was overturned and the Muslim Brotherhood took power.  The people of Libya were so grateful, we had the Benghazi incident
  • A key ally in Egypt was overthrown with US blessing and the Muslim Brotherhood would have taken power if the military did not step in there.
  • In Syria, chaos was begun.  The war we won in Iraq was lost as we were unable to negotiate a treaty to allow American troops to stay an that allowed ISIS to come to power.
  • Vladimir Putin began feeling his oats and now Russia has invaded the Ukraine, bullied neighboring countries, and now has re-established Russia as a player of power in the Middle East.
  • I'll stop there but there is more. 

Let's see what her supporters can say about Hillary's time as Secretary of State

2. The Email Server

Why did she use a personal email server?  Emails show that the reason was to keep her email messages out of the public domain so people could not discover them via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

As a result of her desire to protect herself, FBI Director Comey was quoted as follows:

Mr. Comey rebuked Mrs. Clinton as being “extremely careless” in using a private email address and server. He raised questions about her judgment, contradicted statements she has made about her email practices, said it was possible that hostile foreign governments had gained access to her account, and declared that a person still employed by the government — Mrs. Clinton left the State Department in 2013 — could have faced disciplinary action for doing what she did.

Despite that rebuke by Director Comey it is becoming apparent that he and the Obama Administrion covered for Secretary Clinton to prevent her from being prosecuted.

So what's worse than leaking America's secrets?  How about if someone got killed because Secretary Clinton was extremely careless with those secrets?  Guess what... It has been speculated that because of the leak of American secrets by Secretary Clinton at least one person who was aiding the United States was caught and killed.

The obvious Conclusion is that Mrs. Clinton put her self interests ahead of the interests of the United States.

3. Hillary and the Truth

a. Emails - how many ways did she lie?

  • She needed the private server so she could work off one device
  • She never sent or received classified email
  • She never sent or received email that was marked classified
  • There were so many others but those are the key ones
b. Clinton on Wall Street - during the Democrat Primaries she swerved in one direction to join Bernie Sanders in criticizing Wall Street.  But contrast that with what Mrs. Clinton told Goldman Sachs in paid speeches between 2013 when she left the State Dept. and 2015 when she announced her candidacy.  

“It was pretty glowing about us,” one person who watched the event said. “It’s so far from what she sounds like as a candidate now. It was like a rah-rah speech. She sounded more like a Goldman Sachs managing director.”

Read more: Politco Story
c. Benghazi - regrettably the Republicans in Congress handled this so badly people are sick of hearing about it.  But it's clear Hillary Clinton knew the Benghazi attack was a terrorist event from the time it happened and she, like the others in the Obama Administration lied about everything to do with it.

d. Her Brian Williams Moments - let's see she said she tried to join the Marines in the '70s, she claimed to have been under sniper fire in Bosnia in the '90s, and she claimed to have been named after Sir Edmund Hillary, who climbed Mount Everest - six years after she was born

e. Gay Marriage - Hillary is a certified flip flopper on this one and does not admit it.

There is so much more I have to stop here.  Search "Hillary Clinton lies" on your favorite search engine.  On YouTube there is a video of "13 minutes of Hillary Clinton lying."

4. Selling out the US for money 

During the Presidency of Bill Clinton we know that the Clintons

  • Took campaign donations from foreign countries - illegal
  • Rented out the Lincoln Bedroom for $10,000 in campaign contributions per night
  • Stole silverware and china from the White House on their way out the door
During Secretary Clinton's time at the State Department it is very obvious that the Clinton's ran a pay for play scam, with people who gave big contributions to the Clinton Foundation getting the opportunity to have an appointment to see Secretary Clinton

Also during that time, major companies hired Clinton Fundraisers to lobby Secretary Clinton.  

Refer also to the earlier comments under Hillary and the Truth about her getting paid for speaking to Goldman Sachs.  In fact, she was hired by numerous banks and financial companies to speak during the 2 years after she left the State Department.  During that time, Mrs. Clinton earned $22 million dollars.  The speeches that have recently been leaked clearly indicated policy positions favorable to the Financial industry that destroyed our economy in 2007 and 2008.
Once again, examples of both Clintons, who are supposed to be interested in "the little guy" selling out the people for their own gain.

5. Hillary on Women

Saving the worst for last.  Hillary Clinton as the great defender of women.  What a joke.

a. She has promised a key role in her Administration to an accused rapist.

Hillary Clinton promised to put Bill Clinton in charge of restoring the economy.  

First, Bill is accused of rape.  Name the three worst things that can be done to a woman - rape is in that list.

Bill Clinton is guilty of sexual harassment (see the Paula Jones case).

Bill Clinton hung out with a known pedophile - a guy who ran the "lolita express" to take rich friends to a resort to have sex with women, some of whom were underage.

I'll go on with this list, but how can anyone say Hillary Clinton is pro-women when she's promised a scumbag like Bill Clinton a key role in her administration.

b.  Hillary's aiding and abetting Bill's mistreatment of women

Multiple women have stepped up and said Hillary Clinton intimidated and threatened them if they had the temerity to speak out about Bill's mistreatment of them.

This is the same Hillary Clinton who said that women who have been raped or abused deserve respect and to be believed.

This fits in the ongoing pattern of Hillary Clinton being willing to put herself and her interests ahead of others.  In this case, her desire to have a political career was threatened if Bill Clinton's career was derailed because he's such a scumbag.

c. Failures during her years as Secretary of State:

This is hard to square with the fact that, in her first visit to China, Clinton insisted that human rights advocacy “can’t interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis, and the security crisis." Clinton's State Department repeatedly waived laws that would have cut aid to countries guilty of gross human rights violations, such as Egypt. This record won't be helped by Clinton’s family foundation having taken millions of dollars from foreign governments that systematically abuse their citizens and deny basic liberties to women.

The same countries that the Clinton Foundation took money from are the Countries for whom the State Department waived laws to cut aid for denying basic liberties to women.


Hillary Clinton is the worst possible person to have in political office.  She's interested in herself and no one else.  She's sold out our country on numerous occasions for personal gain.  Even liberals have questioned her serial lying.  Her aiding and abetting of her husband in his abuse of women, including rape, shows she is the farthest thing from a friend of women.

Who you vote for is up to you.  But the media has not been reporting any of this to the same extent they are promoting the accusations against Donald Trump.  I just had to get this down and share these thoughts.

Don't like Hillary or Trump?  Guess what - there are other candidates on the ballot.  Jill Stein is running for the Green Party. Gary Johnson is running as a Libertarian candidate.  

Doesn't a vote for them not count or will a vote for them mean we get Trump or Clinton?  Bullcrap. Every vote counts.  Let's say those two candidates - Stein and Johnson get 30% of the vote between them.  Trump or Clinton will win but whoever wins will clearly NOT have a mandate from the people.  Congress will be able to hold them in check.  Their policies and behavior will have to be moderated.  And this will embolden other good people to run against whoever wins in 2020, perhaps even a challenge within their own party.

A protest vote of that magnitude also sends a message to the morons that lead both parties who are responsible for trash like these two getting this far to clean up their acts and do a better job of listening to the people or face more opposition from third parties in the future.


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