Is this what it means to be a Conservative or a Republican?

How are conservatives able to call Ted Cruz the real conservative candidate when he calls for police targeting and patrolling Muslim neighborhoods? 

That's less government?  That conforms to the spirit of the Bill of Rights?  That's different than Donald Trump?

Other candidates and Republican Party officials pushed Donald Trump to sign the pledge to support whomever is the nominee.  Now that Donald Trump is the nominee, where is their support?  What about their Pledge?

Is that what the Republican Party stands for?  We lie to people we don't like to get them to play by our rules and then if the voters who make up the party pick someone we don't like we'll stab them in the back.

Montana is like the last primary before the Party Convention and it looks like the Primary will actually mean something.  I don't know who I will vote for, I've never been a fan of Trump, but I'm pretty disgusted with the Party leaders and leading Republicans - and for that matter people who claim they are leading Conservatives - for what is happening to Donald Trump.  Trashing Trump right and left and now even posting a photo of his wife naked in a negative ad against Donald? 

In my opinion Party leaders and leading "Conservatives" look like weasels and liars and scumbags who have no respect for the opinions of the people they rely on to get Republicans elected and who will only support the candidate they want, even if it means losing.  That is exactly why people are fed up with them and why the last two candidates are Trump and Cruz.

If we end up with Hilary Clinton as President it's their fault, not Trump's.


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