Hate speech

One reason for the protests and opposition to Donald Trump is that he speaks ill of other people.  Even President Obama has gotten into the act.

I find the conversation by members of the media who support the President and the President's own comments to be highly hypocritical.

Since President Obama was elected, Conservatives are routinely called racists just because they disagree with the President.  Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, and almost all the announcers on MSNBC have been particularly vile in some of the things they say about Conservatives and Republicans.  US Representative Michelle Bachman was accused by the women on The View of hating children because she voted against Obamacare.  Mitt Romney was accused by Harry Reid (who was lying at the time) of not paying taxes and of being a bad Mormon.

President Obama has routinely railed against the rich as have many Democrats, painting them as horrible people who are responsible for America's poor.  He hates most corporations too, if the policies he has implemented are any indication.  As to Democrats who feel the solution to all the jobs going overseas is to make the business environment in the US more complicated, taxes higher, and regulations tougher, while other countries lure our jobs away by doing the opposite.

Isn't it comical then to hear Democrats and liberals in the media complaining when Donald Trump fires back?


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