Say it ain't so Rush!

Rush Limbaugh got fooled by an internet scam but his handling of the matter afterwards concerns me. Rush was fooled into thinking that a phony document on the internet was President Obama's college thesis. What concerns me is how Rush handled the matter after learning the truth. For someone who was badly treated due to internet lies, Rush apparently did not do unto others as he wanted done unto him.

Apparently Rush Limbaugh got hold of a document that was on the internet which supposedly was President Obama's college thesis. The President's College thesis was never released by the Obama campaign and seems to have disappeared. The paper and the mysterious circumstances around it were things many conservative talk show people spent a lot of time discussing. After receiving the document alleging to be the President's thesis, Rush Limbaugh read the document on the air and spent time analyzing it.

Later Rush Limbaugh found out that the documents were fakes. Hey that happens, no big deal. But the Associated Press reports that Rush Limbaugh sort of waived off the mistake saying the documents sounded a lot like something President Obama would have written.

That's distressing. Rush Limbaugh just got beat up - wrongly - because of false quotes attributed to him on the subject of slavery. One sports writer said that even if the specific quotes were untrue they sounded like things Rush Limbaugh would have said. Needless to say, Rush Limbaugh was very upset about the way he was treated and rightly so.

For Rush to turn around and say that the mistake is somehow mitigated because the documents sound like something President Obama would have written completely undermines any criticism Rush Limbaugh made against people who falsely repeated the slavery quotes attributed to him.


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