From the "So What" Department

Conservative talk show hosts usually raise good points but occasionally they raise issues that just make me say "So What." This includes Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs and others. The issues to which I refer are things that make them sound like whiners or like goofy people. They really need to get a grip on reality and not try to criticize everything President Obama does.

Example #1 - Lou Dobbs raising the issue of whether President Obama is an American citizen. Lou said he has no doubt the President is but asked why doesn't the President just release his Birth Certificate and put all this to rest. This is an issue raised by some people who are just looney so why give it any credence.

Example #2 - The President goes to Denmark to try to help Chicago win the Olympic games and some conservative commentators go bonkers. My answer - so what! Chicago is an American city - it is also the President's home town. Winning the Olympics would have been a big deal for them and prestigious for the US. Were there other, more important things going on in the world? Sure - but when some people complained about President Bush spending a lot of time on his farm in Texas, conservatives pointed out that there are phones, email, fax machines, and video conferences to keep the President up to date. Did those things get turned off when President Obama entered the White House?

Example #3 - President Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize. Conservatives complain that the President has done nothing to deserve this. So what! This is a very prestigious prize and Barack Obama is an American, and he's our President - whether I voted for him or not. The fact that President Obama won the Nobel Prize brings prestige, honor, and attention to the United States. Why would anyone criticize that?

I have no objection to criticizing the President or anyone else when they do something wrong. But the people who are making a big deal about these issues really "grit my buns" to use an old saying. People making these criticisms sound like whiny babies and lose credibility in my eyes.


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