Election night coverage

**Read this all the way through, there is a bonus surprise at the end.**

There are lots of things being said about the Election Night coverage -- which I did not watch, by the way. I had a pretty good idea where things were going and did not need Chris Mathews and others to tell me what a thrill they have running down their leg (or was it up).

Conservative media watchers are lamenting the pro-Obama coverage. However, regardless of your views, it was indeed, as one person compared it, like the Moon landing of 1969. This was an historic event so one has to suspend political beliefs as they apply to media journalism.

That being said, here is a link to a really, really nice article on the coverage from Election Night. According to Ms. Werts, Sheppard Smith of Fox News is due some compliments for his handling of key moments in the evening. I'm not surprised, I have found Sheppard Smith to be quite good and enjoyable as a news anchor. If you are a Fox News disbeliever, I particularly encourage you to check this out.


For that same article and more, try this link.


Diane Werts is a commentator on the website TV Worth Watching by David Bianculli, who used to write articles in various newspapers. This is a very nice website with some good commentary on television.

On the second link, you if you scroll way down, you will find a link to an online archive of classic television. Ms. Werts gives a very nice description of some of the shows from the Golden Age of Television that can be found at that archive.


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