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Showing posts from September, 2008

Random thoughts...

Earlier I commented on Wolf Blitzer's really poor performance on an interview with Sen. Christopher Dodd that occurred on CNN last week. Later the same day, I saw Sheppard Smith, on Fox News, interviewing U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney confronted with a similar situation. His response was an example for all interviewers. Representative Maloney started to say that the Bailout meeting last week blew up because of Sen. John McCain. Sheppard Smith immediately interjected saying "Wait a minute..." Mr. Smith went on, in a polite fashion, to say that Fox News reports suggested that Sen. McCain was quiet at the meetings, that it was the House Republicans who objected, which led to Sen. Harry Reid blowing up. Mr. Smith then, in a non-confrontational way (e.g. not as a "Gotcha") asked Rep. Maloney if she could confirm or deny those reports. This caused Rep. Maloney to state that she was not in the meeting and really couldn't say what happened. That's good intervie

Comments on Wolf Blitzer's anti-McCain coverage today

Wolf Blitzer had Sen. Christopher Dodds (D-CT) on his show after the meeting in the White House on the bailout. During the interview, Sen. Dodds criticized John McCain at length and suggested that John McCain and the House Republicans have derailed a deal on the bailout. Earlier in Mr. Blitzer's show, members of Mr. Blitzer's panel of commentators said that for political reasons, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would not let the House Democrats vote for the bailout without significant House Republican support. Did Mr. Blitzer ask Sen. Dodd for his comments about Speaker Pelosi putting the political interests of her Members ahead of the interests of our nation? No, Mr. Blitzer did not. Earlier in the Mr. Blitzer's show, CNN reported that Sen. Richard Shelby left the meeting on the bailout and said that there was no deal. Sen. Shelby also said he felt the package was flawed from the outset and that there were certain measures he, Sen. Shelby, would never vote for. Did M

McCain, Obama, and Immigration

I want to second a commentary by Bill O'Reilly on Friday night. Mr. O'Reilly provided clips and translations of some spanish language advertising by both the Obama and McCain campaigns. Mr. O'Reilly correctly pointed out that the ads by both campaigns were factually incorrect. He also had a Republican and Democrat strategist on the show and he harangued them into admitting the ads by the candidate of their own party were wrong. I have to give credit to Mr. O'Reilly. His shows label of "The No Spin Zone" lived up to its name there. I don't mind negative ads but the campaigns should make sure that what they say is accurate. Furthermore, the ads should focus on issues, not stuff like the lipstick on a pig or other topics that go away from issues of interest to the voters. Be well til next time. Ken

Obama did good

I watched Sen. Barack Obama give a presentation on Friday, around mid-day. He was speaking on the Bush Administration's actions to help bail out the banking situation. I have to give credit to Sen. Obama. He did not politicize the situation, when he could have. Rather he said that he has been in contact with the Secy. of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve and he, Sen. Obama, was just going to monitor the situation to wait for the specifics of the plan being developed. That was a very statesmanlike position on his part. I think it was appropriate, given all the panic that had been happening and the uncertainty. It would have been easy for Sen. Obama to try to score points, but that would not have been good for the U.S. during a time of real uncertainty. I did not see or hear any reaction from Sen. McCain, so I cannot comment on what he did or said. However, I think we need to give credit when credit is due.

Sarah Palin's Foreign Policy Experience?

Here's my first substantive post. I saw a piece in the paper today and just have to dissect this. The story is an AP story, no author attributed, it appeared in the 9-19-08 Morning Call, page A5. I don't want anyone saying I did not attribute this. :-) Small headline in the paper -- "GOP Sen. Hagel says Palin isn't qualified." The article is quoting Nebraska Republican Senator Chuck Hagel as saying Sarah Palin lacks foreign policy experience and it is a stretch to say she is qualified to be president. The article also says that Sen. McCain and other Republicans have defended Gov. Palin's qualifications and cite Alaska's proximity to Russia. Now let's go through this story. First, if lacking foreign policy experience renders one unqualified to be President then shouldn't Sen. Hagel also be saying that Sen. Barak Obama is not qualified to be president? After all Sen. Obama actually is running for President. Gov. Palin is just a Vice Presidential nomi

Wow! I'm on the internet!!!

Casey Stengel was famous for responding to something that was said with "You're full of [stuff] and I'll tell you why..." This is my chance to emulate Casey and answer back to news reports, commentaries, and anyone or everyone else with why I think they are full of [stuff]. All too often I've seen or heard something that I knew was off-base and wanted to reply but did not have the venue or means to do so. Too often, I've seen or heard people who did reply and they either did so badly or missed the point. , or had an idea of a solution to a problem and have wanted a way to express my thoughts. And many times I've had thoughts or ideas on a problem that confronts us and wanted a way to express my views. This is going to be that vehicle. Now before we go too much further, let me warn you. A lot of what I will write about is going to be about politics and government. My point of views will be based on the following -- I'm an American first, a conserv