In Joe Biden's America, You better not dare to disagree with the Establishment

Don't get vaccinated the the establishment is coming for you.  CNN Medical Contributor Dr. Leana Wen, also former Planned Parenthood President, said "It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated."  By that she means, harassing people with forms and mandated testing multiple times a week.  She also endorsed "Vaccine Credentialing" - making Americans carry a proof of vaccination card.  Can't require people to get IDs to vote but Vaccine Credentialing IDs, that we can require.  And why?  Because it is a way for the establishment to penalize you for not following their dictates.

It started in January, when many Democrats, Democrat supporters in the Media, and Never Trumper Republicans were saying that anyone who worked for or supported President Trump should be banned from jobs, shunned personally and professionally, and subjected to re-education.  They have quietly been putting that into effect.

This week we saw stories saying Toyota is the latest corporation to say they won't contribute to any Congressional candidate who voted not to recognize the 2020 Presidential election results, meaning Republicans.  Note: they didn't refuse to contribute to candidates who voted not to recognize the 2016 results (i.e. Democrats). 

Another story was published this week saying the Michigan Attorney General is going to investigate people who challenged the 2020 Election Results in that State.

People who challenge the teaching of Critical Race Theory in grades K-12 are being condemned by public officials, school teachers, the teacher's unions, and the media, as well as being doxxed and attacked on social media.  In a case this past week, two parent's kids were kicked out of a private school because of the criticism leveled by their parents.

Is this the America Joe Biden was promising us when he ran for office and asked us to elect him President and to elect the Democrats in control of both Houses of Congress.  An America where disagreement is met with a switch rather than an olive branch.  An America where rather than seeking to understand why someone disagrees, those who disagree are singled out for ridicule and punishment.


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